Thursday, December 13, 2007

Conquer Your Emotions and live in Mastery with Christ the way truth and life

Prophetess Carmen McDonald: Conquer your Emotions and Live in Eternity with Christ 

Never make an emotional decision
Make a decision based upon the Word of God
When we make decisions based upon emotions
We are lead into deception of  our truth.
we are lead by the flesh which is our emotions
Our emotions are fatal distraction
that if not put in check can lead to
disease and disappointment and disaster
Romans 8 verse 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit
Romans 8 verse 6 For to be carnally minded is death;but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Emotional decisions begins with a seed thought in your mind that is not lead by the Word of God
these emotions cause dis -ease in the mind which creates over time dis-ease in the body and dysfunction in your life

Jesus wept at Lazarus tomb and then conquered his emotion and said Lazarus come forth
what if he continued to cry and not operate with the power within?

Jesus made a decision , He used the God given Power that is Truth  which rises above the flesh and gives life.

We have the Word of God to meditate upon to restore wholeness to our being
Let the mind of Christ be in you

Much Love
Prophetess Carmen

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